Reducing liability Archives - Lockton Affinity Architect and Engineer

The Risks of Providing Free Advice on Design Projects for Friends and Family

In a profession like architecture, it’s not unusual for friends and family to reach out for free advice on design projects. While it’s natural to want to use your skills and expertise to help those you know, it’s a situation that can lead to a costly lawsuit without the proper protections in place. Architects, engineers [...]

By | July 30th, 2024|Architecture lawsuits, Reducing liability|Comments Off on The Risks of Providing Free Advice on Design Projects for Friends and Family

Good Communication Cuts Risk for Designers

Architects are often held in high esteem by new potential clients, who understand that professional design entails a high degree of skill in science, art and technology. Yet for many clients, that’s where the understanding ends. Without consistent attention to good communication during the design process, misunderstandings can creep in, leading to hard feelings and, [...]

By | February 7th, 2024|Reducing liability, Risk management tips|0 Comments

Architecture Client Screening Best Practices

When it’s practiced consistently, good client screening can reduce the risk of taking on a problem client or working on a project outside your firm’s areas of expertise. No architect, engineer or other design professional wants to get bogged down chasing unpaid bills or trying to attend to the needs of a high-maintenance client. With [...]

By | December 29th, 2023|Reducing liability, Risk management tips|0 Comments

Contingency Planning Tips for Architects

Fire exits are an important contingency when designing a building, even though you hope no one will ever have to use them. Contingency planning for your own professional design business works much the same way. Even though you hope you’ll never need it, it’s important to have a plan in place in case you suddenly [...]

By | December 19th, 2022|Reducing liability, Uncategorized|0 Comments

How Problematic Clients Can Lead to Claims

If you have a bad feeling about a client, it may be better to listen to your gut and pass on the job. That’s because working with problematic clients puts you at higher risk of a claim. Professional liability claims involve lawsuits that often put your business and personal assets at risk and can cause [...]

By | October 24th, 2022|Reducing liability, Risk management tips|0 Comments

Top 3 Risks of Green Building Performance Standards

A green revolution is sweeping the country, with carbon neutrality, net-zero energy and other initiatives making their way throughout various industries, including architecture. Yet the risks of green building performance standards are numerous, posing new challenges for you and your firm. Green building performance standards are regulations that require a completed building to meet certain [...]

By | September 23rd, 2022|Reducing liability, Risk management tips|0 Comments

Managing Construction Observation Risks

With nearly every project, architects, engineers and other design professionals have to make decisions about construction observation services. Choices about whether and how often to conduct observations and how to document them can greatly impact the risk of a claim or lawsuit. To better manage the construction observation risks you face, it helps to remember [...]

Reducing the Risk of Unforeseen Conditions

The possibility of unforeseen conditions at a project site can be a major source of stress for architects, engineers and other design professionals. Unfortunately, unforeseen conditions are also a frequent source of professional liability claims. Improperly constructed and outdated structures, materials and structures damaged by weather and wildlife, and the existence of constituents of concern [...]

How Duties to Third Parties Affect Risk

Every day, design professionals face the prospect of being sued for the work they do on a project. Most of the time, these claims are brought by the client or another party directly involved in the project. However, that isn't always the case. In certain circumstances, claims can also be brought against a design professional [...]

Beware of Indemnification Clauses

As a design professional, it's important to know exactly what you're agreeing to before you sign on the dotted line. With some contract clauses, you could be tying yourself to broad indemnity obligations far beyond what you intended. Agreeing to the wrong contract clause can not only expose you to excess risk not covered by [...]

By | December 22nd, 2021|Reducing liability, Risk management tips|0 Comments