Insurance information Archives - Lockton Affinity Architect and Engineer

Cybersecurity 101: What Is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a top threat for architects, engineers and other design professionals, accounting for a high percentage of cyber attacks. Yet more than half of organizations may be underprepared. For non-technical professionals, questions abound. Since incidents vary so much from one attack to the next, many aren’t sure of their risks or what to do [...]

By | January 22nd, 2025|Cyber liability risks, Insurance information|Comments Off on Cybersecurity 101: What Is Ransomware?

Cyber Coverages Explained

Cyber insurance has dramatically evolved since the first coverages were added to other policy forms in the 1990s. Traditionally, cyber coverages were only considered necessary in the technology industry — or for those providing technology-related professional services. It was the dawn of the digital age and growing cyber risk exposures across all industry classes that [...]

By | September 4th, 2024|Cyber liability risks, Insurance information, Risk management tips|Comments Off on Cyber Coverages Explained

How Insurance Helps Architects Control Risk

In today’s world, risk is everywhere, and insurance plays a vital role safeguarding architects from the risks they face. It’s one of the keys to a comprehensive risk management strategy, providing peace of mind and protecting an architect’s business and reputation. While many architects know they have risks and need insurance, that’s only one part [...]

By | March 27th, 2024|Insurance information|0 Comments

Why Architect Insurance Rates Can Vary

As a design professional, finding the right insurance coverage can be daunting. The idea behind professional liability insurance seems simple enough. Yet you will quickly find that architect insurance rates can vary from provider to provider. To add to the confusion, just because a policy is more or less expensive doesn’t necessarily mean it is [...]

By | April 26th, 2023|Insurance information|0 Comments

Which Design Professions Can Get Professional Liability Insurance?

A design project can involve a number of professionals, making it difficult to predict when and where a problem might occur. But when it does, a costly and time-consuming lawsuit is likely to follow. Professional liability insurance is available to help protect against this risk. Professional liability insurance is an important risk management tool for [...]

Your Guide to Switching Insurance Providers

As your professional liability insurance policy comes up for renewal, it’s natural to wonder if you might be able to get a better deal or access better service. Perhaps you’re reading this blog, but currently have coverage through someone else. As a design professional, switching insurance is particularly daunting. Finding coverage that protects your assets [...]

By | July 15th, 2022|Insurance information|0 Comments

What to Know About Insurance Limits

Everything has its limits and insurance is no exception. Architects, engineers and other design professionals must navigate some particularly dangerous risks when it comes to choosing the limits of their professional liability insurance. Without adequate insurance limits, you risk being underinsured, which is a danger not only to yourself, but also to clients and projects. [...]

By | February 24th, 2022|Insurance information|0 Comments

How to Avoid Being Underinsured

For architects, engineers and other design professionals, few things are as dangerous as being uninsured. Mistakes and accidents happen, so insurance is a must. Yet just because you've got insurance doesn't mean you're out of the woods. Being underinsured can be almost as dangerous as being uninsured. Here's what to know and how you can [...]

Workers’ Compensation Insurance for Architects and Engineers

Worker injuries aren't a typical risk associated with a design firm's office space the way they are for a builder's job site, but accidents at the office can and do occur. Workers' compensation insurance for architects and engineers is an important coverage that protects your business and your workforce from these incidents and ensures compliance [...]

By | October 21st, 2021|Insurance information|0 Comments

Insurance Terms for Architects and Engineers to Know

Learning about professional liability insurance can be time consuming when your specialty is architecture, engineering or another design field. Many of the insurance terms and conditions you'll come across don't come up in everyday conversation, meaning sometimes it feels like you're reading a different language. Understanding a policy's terminology is important for feeling confident about [...]

By | August 18th, 2021|Insurance information, Uncategorized|0 Comments