Architecture lawsuits Archives - Lockton Affinity Architect and Engineer

The Risks of Providing Free Advice on Design Projects for Friends and Family

In a profession like architecture, it’s not unusual for friends and family to reach out for free advice on design projects. While it’s natural to want to use your skills and expertise to help those you know, it’s a situation that can lead to a costly lawsuit without the proper protections in place. Architects, engineers [...]

By | July 30th, 2024|Architecture lawsuits, Reducing liability|Comments Off on The Risks of Providing Free Advice on Design Projects for Friends and Family

7 Projects That Resulted in Architecture Lawsuits

Architects, engineers and contractors are all vulnerable to lawsuits. Stakes are high and a lot can go wrong. When it does, the design professional is often blamed. Here’s a look at seven notable projects that resulted in architecture lawsuits, plus what can be learned from them and how to protect yourself. Frank and Berta Gehry [...]

By | August 28th, 2023|Architecture lawsuits|0 Comments